Yeshivat Lomdei Torah, 31 Rehov HaChida, Jerusalem, 9642301, P.O.Box 16156. Tel: 972-548-420-177,Tel/ Fax 972-2-6426896

Downloads: 1. Jewish Tribune Article  2.  Student application form         email Contact Us

The Yeshiva with a heart  
     Yeshivat Lomdei Torah was founded  four years ago in Bayit Vegan, Yerushalayim by Rabbi David Behar under the recommendation of Gedolei Yisroel.
     The aim of the Yeshiva is to give an opportunity to English-speaking students to enhance their Gemora skills and attain a level of independent study.
     Needless to say, much personal effort and enthusiasm is an essential ingredient in reaching this goal. Therefore, only self-motivated and mature students are accepted into the Yeshiva.

arrowPlease click on the video to view the yeshiva.

  Application forms are available for download  Here

The Rabbinical Staff    
     Our educational staff includes Rabbi Yehudah Ziskind, Rabbi Avigdor Brazil, a well known lecturer, and Rabbi Aaron Elias who have many years of teaching experience. Their expertise in Gemora and Halacha endows the Yeshiva with the added dimension of applying the Gemora to Halacha.

     The afternoon and evening sessions are headed by Rabbi Aaron Assayag  and Rabbi Jeremy Posen. Their close relationship and versatility brings out the hidden potential of each and every student.


Trips and Activities    

     The students are taken on exciting trips around the country. They also visit a wealth of Holy and historical sites, which regenerates and refreshes their learning appetite and provides extra stimulation for Torah study. It also accentuates the family atmosphere that exists between the Rabbis and the students. They also enjoy going to a gym or a swimming pool, which adds to their health and physical fitness.

  Rabbinical Patrons:    
  HaRav Avraham Gurvitz  shlita
HaRav Yacov Hillel shlita
HaRav Gavriel Knopfler shlita
HaRav Ezriel Yaffe shlita
HaRav Yakov Benaim  shlita
HaRav Ezriel Auerbach shlita
  Donations & Sponsorships:    
  Israel Account Information:
Yeshivat Lomdei Torah
Bank Leumi
Jerusalem Branch 766
Account Number: 35643/13
Swift Code Address: LUMIILIT
Code: IL010766
Account: 76603564313 
UK Tax deductibility:
Friends of Yeshivat Lomdei Torah
Charity Number 1119993
NatWest Bank
Sort Code: 602022
Account Number: 37565133

                  or send to:
Friends of Yeshivat Lomdei Torah
C/O Mr. Bensy Cohen
25 Fairholme Gardens
London N3 3ED

Or directly to our account in the U.K.:
Friends of Yeshivat Lomdei Torah
Charity Number 1119993
NatWest Bank
Sort Code: 602022
Acct. No: 37565133
Iban - GB11NWBK60073247084235
Swift code (bic) NWBKGB2L

U.S. Tax deductibility:
American Friends of Yeshivat Lomdei Torah
C/O Mr. Uri Deblinger
1516 East 33rd Street
Brooklyn, New York 11234

U.S. Tax ID#: EIN 27-2113335